Hangzhou Sihan Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd.
Hangzhou Sihan Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd.

Endoscope Camera 1288

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  • supplier endoscope camera 1288
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  • manufacturer endoscope camera 1288
  • endoscope camera 1288 supplier
  • company endoscope camera 1288
  • supplier endoscope camera 1288
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  • endoscope camera 1288 manufacturer
  • manufacturer endoscope camera 1288

Key Benefits of Endoscope Camera 1288

  • Unparalleled Resolution and Clarity for the OR

  • 1920 x 1080p for optimal resolution and brightness.

  • Enhanced clarity, depth of focus and sharpness for the best picture.

  • L9000 light source control from the camera head.

  • Intuitive touch screen LCD interface for easy use.

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